COVID-19 Update on Piper Shores Re-Opening Measures

Piper Shores is now well over a year into shelter in place measures, and we are pleased to share that we continue to slowly reopen. The following are a few of our re-opening measure details that we think will be helpful for the families of residents, friends, and the general public. As you know from… Read more »

COVID-19 Update on Piper Shores Re-opening Measures

Piper Shores is now over a year into shelter in place measures, and we are pleased to share that we continue to slowly reopen. The following is a message that was shared with our independent residents from Jim Adamowicz, CEO, Leanne Fiet, COO, and Susan Russell, Resident Council President. It is followed by a few… Read more »

COVID19 Update – Vaccinations

The COVID19 vaccination process at Piper Shores is well underway, and the Administrative team recently conducted a Zoom conference call with Piper Shores Independent Living Residents to answer frequently asked questions about the implications of the vaccine. Below is a summary of the vaccination Q&A posted on February 19, 2021. Question: How is Piper Shores… Read more »

COVID-19 Update – A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

We hope everyone had a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving holiday. Piper Shores had a different kind of Thanksgiving this year, with delivery of the traditional turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, but also with delicious soup, salads, and an assortment of pies, including pumpkin, pecan and chocolate cream! Maine, along with the rest of the world,… Read more »

COVID19 Testing Update, Round 2

We are pleased to share that the Maine CDC HETL lab has informed us that the second round of testing of our Holbrook Health Center staff and residents all returned negative.  We are very pleased that both rounds of testing reflected negative results. We remain grateful for the tremendous work of our clinical leadership team… Read more »

COVID-19 Testing Update

Piper Shores’ first priority has always been the health and well-being of our residents and staff. Since the start of the global pandemic, we have worked tirelessly to keep our campus COVID-19 free, and for the first six months of the outbreak, we have done just that. Unfortunately, last week we learned that a Holbrook… Read more »

Summer 2020 Brings Beauty, Freedom, and Community Responsibility

The summer of 2020 has been one of the most beautiful of the past few years at Piper Shores. Our flowers and gardens are in full bloom. Residents who are growing herbs and vegetables are enjoying an ongoing and bountiful harvest. In short, life at Piper Shores continues, despite the fact that we are in… Read more »

A Thoughtful – and Gradual – Plan for Reopening

There’s no doubt that our community, our country, and our world are going through some very tough times. The extreme hardships caused by Covid-19 reach beyond nearly anything we could have imagined. As of this writing, Piper Shores has been extraordinarily fortunate to experience no diagnosed cases of the Coronavirus on our campus. Part of… Read more »

June Update on Covid at Piper Shores

As summer is fast approaching, we realize we are now past two months with sheltering in place protocols. We continue to be grateful to not have any COVID-19 confirmed cases on our campus. These protocols have been difficult for both residents and staff, but commitment and compliance by all remain imperative. We maintain Governor Mills’… Read more »